16) Amphibian assisted reproductive technologies and biobanking

Published in Amphibian Specialist Group IUCN Species Survival Commission, 2024

Recommended citation: Calatayud, NE, Howell L, Upton R, Tapley B, Johnson K, Browne R, Marcec R, Williams CL, O’Brien D, Hobbs R, Trudeau VT, Bower D, Clulow S, Clulow J, Della Tonga G. (2024) Amphibian Assisted Reproduction and Biobanking in Amphibian conservation action plan: A status review and roadmap for global amphibian conservation. Wren, S., Borzée. A., Marcec-Greaves, R. & Angulo, A. (Eds.). IUCN SSC Occasional Paper, No 57. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN (pp. 285-308).

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